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Nitro_James6 minute(s) ago @Boots, I believe he's just talking about the type of fuel that is available to the fire in that area and the valley from what I have seen with weed abatement's, which are all required to be cut/thinned/removed on a typical residential property due to their high flammability and thermal output when burned. He's also stating that the FD is spread thin with over 4.3bn sq/ft(Line, Bridge, Airport) burned or burning in a 100 mi radius. To evac when told to and to not leave running water on because the small hose spigot loss of pressure is greater than the effectiveness of trying to wet your property versus allowing the FD to have all of the pressure when fighting in critical areas off of the same water supply.
KK6 minute(s) ago Arazz. As far as I know…it will be next week..maybe maybe not. 🤣
BrownBear12 minute(s) ago Bridge Fire..Seeing pics of fire out in Phelan, looks like the desert floor, not just the mountains. Evac warning zones are above Lone Pine Canyon, Phelan area. I have a sister there, so just an update. Keeping a close eye on the Line fire, and that one started a stones throw away from another sister. And I have a cabin in Sugarloaf. This arsonist has affected both my sisters, and threatens my cabin too. Im so upset.
LaLo13 minute(s) ago Q: Last night KCAL-9 had a reporter in downtown RS in front of a house (nearby Don's Auto) that had burned down.
The official CalFire website still says "no structures" damaged/destroyed.
Whom do we believe?
BootsNBridles20 minute(s) ago OffRoadCook- i appreciate what you are sharing but I'm having a hard time understanding some of it. Could you throw in a comma or a period now and then pretty please? I think that will help me get a handle on your thoughts. Thanks.
SCM ALERT🚨21 minute(s) ago @sbcountysheriff If you’ve been affected by the Line Fire or Bridge Fire and need help finding resources for your animals, please refer to the shelters listed below: **Small Animal Shelters:** - Lancaster Animal Care Center: 5210 W Ave I, Lancaster, CA 93536 - Palmdale Animal Care Center: 38550… [Click Here] [Click Here]
echofox26 minute(s) ago Nitro_James, You are exactly right.
Offroadcook26 minute(s) ago Manzanita, mountian mohagany "ironwood", scrub oak, live oak, pines, and all the dead from the past mixed with the right weather watch out the Fire Department is stretched out hard core be safe and help them out so they can focus on the fire and leave when they say and don't run water on your property it will evaporate in a second let the fire department have all the pressure where they need it to handel critical points I love Big Bear lake and the people be smart
yesstiles27 minute(s) ago They have done a LOT of thinning and fire protection work in the Bluff Lake area in the past 7-8 years so I’m hoping that helps protect it.
WindyBaldwin28 minute(s) ago don't think there will be trash pick up tomorrow
Nitro_James29 minute(s) ago @echo i think in times like these its important to stay positive but also have a viewpoint based in reality. Plan for the worst hope for the best you know? I believe in two important factors for firefighters being able to do what they need to do and that's based off either a change in terrain or change in weather. Weather hasnt been on our side the entire time, but we are coming up to a change in terrain. I believe in those protecting our community will make the best out of that.
echofox32 minute(s) ago Gee, Thanks for the positive thoughts Offroadcook.
Offroadcook39 minute(s) ago I was a big part in the purchase and remodeling Camp Bluff Lake 15 some odd years ago and I currently live in Angelus Oaks ride the mountians and know alot about the are and use the time-lapse camera on a regular basis and am very disappointed to see the last update being on the 6th when it's a very valuable resorse not available at its most critical moment what do the folks potentially most valuable to hazard fell about not being able to keep track of there safety because there's enuf fuel on the other side of the mountian too level the town of big bear due to predicted weather sending this with much love